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January 11, 2021 Council Meeting
The January 11, 2021 Regular Meeting agenda has now been published: The December 2, 2020 Provincial Health Officer Order on Gatherings and Events now requires local governments to restrict members of the public from attending meetings of Council, including public hearings, in person. The District of Mackenzie invites residents to access meetings via Zoom or through phone instead of attending...

Council Meetings Closed to Public
Due to the December 2, 2020 Provincial Health Officer Order on Gatherings and Events local governments will continue to restrict members of the public from attending meetings of Council, including public hearings, in person until further notice is provided. The District of Mackenzie invites residents to access Council meetings via Zoom or through phone instead of attending in person. Please...

Wildfire Fuel Treatment Update HWY 39
Hwy 39 Wildfire Fuel Reduction Project Works are progressing nicely on the highway 39 fuel reduction treatments. Crews have completed 90% of works on TU 13, 70% on TU 14, 50% TU 9, 25% on TU 8 and just started on TU 5. The manual crew will be taking a much-deserved break over the Christmas holidays and returning on the...

Holiday Hours
The District Municipal Office will be closed to the Public this week, open regular hours next week and closed on New Years Day. Dec 21st - 25th CLOSED Dec 28th - 31st Open regular hours 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Jan 1st CLOSED Merry Christmas and have a safe and happy holiday!

Congratulations and thank you Dwayne for your incredible 25 years of dedicated service with the District of Mackenzie!

Council Highlights – December 14th
Keep up to date with Council happenings by viewing the latest Council Meeting Highlights:

Career Opportunity – Temporary Custodian (Permanent Part-time) Recreation Services Department
The District of Mackenzie is currently accepting applications for a qualified Permanent Part-Time Custodian to join our team. This position is responsible for the custodial duties within the Recreation Centre and adjacent areas. If you feel you are qualified for this position you are invited to submit your resume with a cover letter indicating either Part-time Custodian Competition. Please provide...

The District of Mackenzie is now accepting tenders for Plants and Flowers for 2021. A copy of the tender package can be found at the following link: Hard copies of the tender packages can be picked up at Public Works between the hours of 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Monday through Friday. For more information please contact Public Works at...

District of Mackenzie 2021 Council Meeting Calendar
The 2021 Council Meeting Calendar and Schedule is now available. Committee of the Whole Meetings start at 7:00 pm Regular Council Meetings start at 7:15 pm Visit the Council and Community Meetings page for full Council Meeting details.

Holiday Parade
The rumours are true!! The Mackenzie Recreation Centre is planning a Community Holiday Parade! Since we can't be together for special events this year, we will come to you! Set your clocks for Saturday, December 19, 2020 at 4:00pm and wait for us to drive by! **We suggest that you try to avoid travelling through these areas at the time...