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DVAP – Public Engagement Round 2
Round 2 Engagement has opened up for the Downtown Vision and Action Plan! For anyone that missed the Community Gallery that was put on by Barefoot Planning + Design we have recorded the event for you to watch! Once you have watched the presentation or have reviewed our Early Directions Report please check out our Early Directions Survey to provide...

Cooling Centre Open at Mackenzie Recreation Centre
As we are expecting a hot weekend coming up, a cooling centre has been established at the Mackenzie Recreation Centre to provide relief for those vulnerable to risks from the heat. If you are ever feeling hot and are in need of a place to cool down please stop by the Mackenzie Recreation Centre where water will be made available....

BC Bus North Survey Enter to win a $100 Amazon Gift Certificate! Diversified Transportation Ltd. is asking for your help! They have developed a public survey to surface insights related to transportation in order to optimize their services to meet the needs of the public. The survey should only take a few minutes to complete and all participants will be...

Mackenzie Hospital – Diversion
Attention Residents: The Mackenzie & District Hospital is currently on diversion from the following dates and times: FROM: Friday, August 19th @ 1900 hours (7:00 pm) UNTIL: Saturday, August 20th @ 0700 hours (7:00 am) FROM: Saturday, August 20th @ 1900 hours (7:00 pm) UNTIL: Sunday, August 21st @ 0700 hours (7:00 am) FROM: Sunday, August 21st @...

August 22, 2022 – Council Meeting
The following agendas have been published at the links below for the meetings on Monday August 22, 2022. 7:00 pm - Committee of the Whole 7:15 pm - Regular Meeting Additional Agenda - Added August 22, 2022 Council meetings are currently open to the public as well as available online over Zoom/phone. Join Council Meetings Electronically Residents are invited to...

Mackenzie Hospital – Diversion
Attention Residents: The Mackenzie & District Hospital is currently on diversion from the following dates and times: FROM: Wednesday August 17th @ 1900 hours (7:00 pm) UNTIL: Thursday August 18th @ 0300 hours (3:00 am) Notification will be sent if this situation changes.

Downtown Vision and Action Plan – Community Gallery
Downtown Vision and action Plan Community Gallery Come join and have the first view of the Downtown Vision and Action Plan Community Gallery put on by Barefoot Planning + Design Date: Wednesday, August 24, 2022 Time: 5pm - 6:30pm Location: Mackenzie Recreation Centre If you are interested in the development of the downtown come on down to learn more! For...

Mackenzie Hospital – Diversion
Attention Residents: The Mackenzie & District Hospital is currently on diversion from the following dates and times: FROM: Tuesday August 16th @ 1900 hours (7:00 pm) UNTIL: Wednesday August 17th @ 0700 hours (7:00 am) Notification will be sent if this situation changes.

LEAP Conference for Women
LEAP Conference For Women! BC'S #1 EVENT FOR WOMEN! Tickets on sale now! Join 250+ women, professionals, and businesses to learn, network, and connect at the 2022 LEAP Conference! The LEAP Conference will provide attendees with 15+ hours of expert speaker content, live Q&A, opportunities for networking, lead generation, and career development, to help take your career and business to...

Pre-Candidate Information Session
Thinking of Running for Council? The District will be hosting a pre-candidate information session for individuals thinking of running in the upcoming election. Event Info: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Tuesday, August 23, 2022 Mackenzie Recreation Centre The session will include: Overview of the District of Mackenzie Elected Official Roles and Responsibilities Nomination and Election Information Question and Answer Period...