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Building & Development


Land use impacts how the District looks, feels and operates, and we've had this in mind since day one. Growth and change in the community can be managed effectively through policies related to the provision of infrastructure, services, and amenities and through the regulation of land use and development. Promoting compact, mixed-use, and high-quality development will help protect our natural areas and foster a convenient, walkable, and livable community.

Land use is determined by a community planning process which includes comprehensive input from residents and regional agencies. Land use and future planning is compiled into our Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaws.


All land within the community and industrial site is given a land use zone, through the Zoning Bylaw, and related amendments. Each zone outlines the permitted uses of buildings within an area.

How to determine your zone and permitted uses:

  • Step 1: Download or view a copy of our Zoning Bylaw Map - Schedule A (overview), Schedule B (townsite)
  • Step 2: Find your property on the map and determine the corresponding zone by using the colour legend.
    For example, most residents live in the yellow areas of the map which is considered R1 Zone – Residential 1 Single-Family Residential.
  • Step 3: Download or view a copy of our Zoning Bylaw and visit the corresponding zone section of the bylaw. In this example, we would go to Section 8.3 - R1 Residential 1 Zone on page 55.
  • Step 4: The principal and secondary uses, as well as regulations are outlined. If you have any questions please contact the Director of Operations at 250-997-3761.


The Official Community Plan (OCP) is a comprehensive plan to guide future land use and address related needs for amenities, services, and infrastructure support. The OCP operates in conjunction with the Zoning Bylaw and other municipal bylaws, and guides Council as they consider zoning changes and future projects.


To view or download the most recent Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaws and their maps, please visit our Bylaws and Regulations page. A hard copy of the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaws are available at District Office for reference.


On occasion, changes or updates to current land use, text, or regulations are required. Rezoning or OCP amendments may be an option for you if the land use zone does not allow the type of development you are considering. All rezoning and OCP amendment applications require Council approval. To find out if rezoning is an option you can contact the Director of Operations or Director of Corporate Services. Further information regarding rezoning, OCP amendment, or development applications please visit Development Permits & Applications.

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