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council meeting agenda

August 23, 2021 Council Meeting

The August 23, 2021 Committee of the Whole and Regular Meeting agendas have now been published: 7:00 pm – Committee of the Whole 7:15 pm – Regular Meeting of Council Council meetings will now be open to the public again as well as available online over Zoom/phone. To continue to keep everyone safe as we…

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We're Hiring

Career Opportunity – Land & Environmental Program Coordinator

Land and Environmental Program Coordinator Application Deadline: 4:00 pm Tuesday, September 7, 2021   The District of Mackenzie has a full-time Land and Environmental Program Coordinator employment opportunity in its Corporate Services Department at the Municipal Office. Reporting to the Director of Corporate Services, the position will have a range of tasks including, but not…

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2020 Annual Report Meeting

Special Council Meeting – 2020 Draft Annual Report

A Special Meeting of the Council of the District of Mackenzie will be held on Monday, August 9, 2021 to receive the 2020 DRAFT Annual Report. Every municipality in BC compiles an Annual Report to highlight accomplishments of the previous year and plans for the upcoming year. Community members are invited to comment on the…

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council meeting agenda

August 9, 2021 Council Meeting

The August 9, 2021 Regular Meeting agenda has now been published: 7:15 pm – Regular Meeting of Council Addendum Council meetings will now be open to the public again as well as available online over Zoom/phone. To continue to keep everyone safe as we move into Stage 3 of the BC Restart Plan as well…

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RFP - Sand

Request for Proposal – Winter Abrasive Material

The District invites interested parties with access to local gravel pits to supply winter abrasive material (winter sand) for the District of Mackenzie for a two-year contract for the 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 seasons. Request for Proposal – DOM#21-14 Winter Abrasive Material Proposal submissions should be titled RFP# DOM-21-14 Winter Abrasive Material in the subject line. Complete proposals…

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RFP - Hazardous Materials Abatement & Building Demolition

Requests for Proposals – Hazardous Materials Abatement & Building Demolition

The District invites qualified and experienced firms to submit a proposal (DOM#21-13 Hazardous Materials Abatement) to complete hazardous materials abatement for two buildings at 80 and 88 Centennial Drive, Mackenzie, BC. Building demolition and disposal will take place after the hazardous materials abatement. The building demolition will be tendered through a separate Request for Proposal…

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RFP - Airport Service Agreement

Request for Proposal – Airport Services Agreement

The District invites qualified and experienced companies to submit a proposal to provide Airport Services at the District’s new Airport Terminal and Fuel Distribution Centre located at 1000 Airport Road. Request for Proposal – DOM#21-11 Airport Services Agreement Proposal submissions should be titled RFP# DOM-21-11 Airport Services Agreement in the subject line. Complete proposals must…

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council meeting agenda

July 26, 2021 Council Meeting

The July 26, 2021 Committee of the Whole and Regular Meeting agendas have now been published: 7:00 pm – Committee of the Whole 7:15 pm – Regular Meeting of Council Regular Council Meeting – Addendum Council meetings will now be open to the public again as well as available online over Zoom/phone. To continue to…

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