We want to hear from you!

Mayor and Council for the District of Mackenzie are holding a Public Hearing to ask for the public’s feedback on two proposed zoning bylaw changes, Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1443 & 1444.
What are the proposed amendments about?
Mayor and Council for the District of Mackenzie are holding a Public Hearing to ask for the public’s feedback on two proposed zoning bylaw changes, Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1443 & 1444.
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1443 is a proposed zoning change that will allow for daycare centres (more than eight children) in residential areas. Currently, daycare centres are only permitted in commercial areas.
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1444 is a proposed zoning change that will remove size restrictions for secondary suites and allow for secondary suites in more building types to align with recent changes made to the BC Building Code.
How can you participate?
Anyone who believes that their interest is affected by the proposed bylaws has an opportunity to be heard through the following ways:
In-Person: To participate in person you must attend the Public Hearing on:
Where: Council Chambers,1 Mackenzie Boulevard
When: 6:15 pm, Monday July 27, 2020
In-Writing: Written comments will be accepted by the District of Mackenzie before the public hearing until 12:00 p.m. on Monday, July 27, 2020 by:
Email: ac.eiznekcamfotcirtsid@ofni
Mail/Hand: Bag 340, 1 Mackenzie Boulevard, Mackenzie, BC V0J 2C0
Fax: 250-997-5186
Written comments may also be submitted at the public hearing
Electronically: To participate in the public hearing through electronic methods, contact Corporate Services at 250-997-3221 or by email at ac.eiznekcamfotcirtsid@ofni to receive instructions. Deadline to request electronic attendance instructions is 12:00 pm (noon) on July 27, 2020.
How can I get more information?
Copies of the proposed bylaw and relevant background documents may be viewed at the Municipal Office, 1 Mackenzie Boulevard, Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm and online at Disitrct of Mackenzie.
Questions can be forwarded to Corporate Services at 250-997-3221 or ac.eiznekcamfotcirtsid@ofni.
Limited seating will be available for attendees in order to maintain social distancing rules. If you are unwell or have been in contact with someone who is unwell, please refrain from attending the meeting in person and participate through the alternative options made available.