Staying Bear-Aware

Your Guide to Safe Community Walks and Trail Adventures
Embarking on a tranquil community stroll or an exhilarating trail hike? Remember, sharing these spaces with our wild neighbors requires a little extra caution. With a few simple steps, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for yourself and our furry friends. Here's your go-to guide:
- Make Noise, Make Friends: Bears appreciate a heads-up! While you explore, chat with your companions, clap your hands, or use bear bells to create a gentle hum. Most bears will move away when they hear you coming.
- Keep Fido Close: If you're walking your four-legged friend, ensure they're on a leash. Curious dogs might inadvertently provoke a bear, so keep them by your side to avoid any encounters.
- Travel in Groups: There's safety in numbers! When walking, especially in bear-prone areas, venture out with friends or fellow hikers. Larger groups are less likely to surprise a bear, giving them ample time to retreat.
- Bear Spray: Your Essential Companion: Pack a can of bear spray and know how to use it. It's a proven deterrent that can help keep both you and the bear safe in case of an unexpected encounter.
- Stay Alert, Stay Curious: Keep your eyes peeled for signs of recent bear activity – tracks, scat, or overturned rocks. This awareness will help you gauge the likelihood of a bear encounter and adjust your behavior accordingly.
- Respect Bear Space: If you spot a bear from a distance, admire it from afar. Never approach, surround, or attempt to feed a bear. Remember, they're an integral part of our ecosystem, and maintaining a respectful distance benefits everyone.
- Secure Your Snacks: Bears have a keen sense of smell, and food odors can attract them. Pack your snacks in airtight containers and dispose of trash responsibly. A bear that associates humans with food can become a safety risk.
- Know the Signs: Educate yourself about different bear species in your area and their habits. Grizzly bears and black bears, for instance, may require different responses.
- Daylight Delight: Opt for daylight hours for your walks and hikes. Bears are more active during dawn and dusk, so plan your outings accordingly.
- Spread the Knowledge: Share these tips with your fellow community members. The more informed everyone is, the safer our shared outdoor spaces become.
Remember, we're lucky to coexist with magnificent wildlife in our beautiful surroundings. By respecting their territory and following these guidelines, we can ensure an enriching and secure outdoor experience for everyone. Happy walking, and stay bear-aware!
Report bear sightings in Mackenzie through the 24-hour hotline at 1-877-952-RAPP (7277).