School District No. 57 Public Meeting

The Board of Education will be holding its regular public meeting in Mackenzie, BC on Tuesday, April 26th. The meeting will be held in the Library at Mackenzie Secondary School and will begin at 6 p.m.
The meeting will also be livestreamed through a YouTube link which will be posted to the front page of the School District No. 57 website prior to the start of the meeting.
The agenda for the meeting appears below:
Board of Education - Regular Public Meeting - April 26, 2022
As per Policy 1120 - Access to the Board, the public input period of 30 minutes at the start of the meeting, with each person being limited to five minutes. Individuals that wish to participate in the public input portion of the meeting may do so in person or may submit a request to participate by Zoom by email.
There is also an option to provide written public input through written submission to a dedicated email at and must be received not later than 1 p.m. on the day of the meeting.
For further information regarding Board meetings please contact the Executive Assistant to the Office of the Secretary Treasurer at 561-6800, Ext. 301.