Notice of No Public Hearing

TAKE NOTICE that the District of Mackenzie is considering amending Zoning Bylaw No. 1368 to bring it in compliance with the recommended provincial regulation regarding secondary suites and setbacks. This will affect all R-Zones that are zoned for single family residential or have the potential to have only a single-family dwelling on the parcel of land. This is to comply with the LGA 464 (4) A local government must not hold a public hearing on a zoning bylaw proposed for the sole purpose of complying with section 481.3 [zoning bylaws and small-scale multi-family housing].
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1517 will be considered at the Regular Meeting of June 24, 2024.
Date: June 24, 2024
Time: 7:15 pm
Location: Council Chambers, 1 Mackenzie Blvd.
Anyone with an interest in the process is requested to contact Emily Kaehn, Director of Corporate Services, at the Municipal Office at 1 Mackenzie Boulevard, Mackenzie, BC, V0J 2C0.
Phone: 250-997-3221
Email: ac.eiznekcamfotcirtsid@ofni