Land Use Changes – What do you think?
We want to hear from you!
Mayor and Council are holding a Public Hearing to ask for the public’s feedback on a proposed land use change - Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1462. Your feedback will be used in the decision-making process.
What is the change and how does it affect me?
The applicant is asking to change Zoning Bylaw No. 1368 to allow a campground as a permitted principal use at 11210 Highway 39, Mackenzie, BC ("SUBJECT PROPERTY" legally described as District Lot 13148, Cariboo District PID: 026-248-964) to construct and operate a 20-site campground with a bed and breakfast.
How can you participate?
Anyone who believes that their interest is affected by the proposed bylaw has an opportunity to be heard through the following ways:
In-Person: To participate in person you must attend the public hearing on:
Where: 1 Mackenzie Boulevard, Mackenzie, BC V0J 2C0
When: 6:30 pm, Monday, July 12, 2021
In-Writing: Written comments and questions will be accepted by the before the public hearing until 12:00 pm on Monday, July 12, 2021, by:
Email: ac.eiznekcamfotcirtsid@ofni Subject: 21-1462 Comments
Mail/Hand: Bag 340, 1 Mackenzie Boulevard, Mackenzie, BC V0J 2C0
Fax: 250-997-5196
Written comments may also be submitted at the Public Hearing.
Electronically: To participate in the public hearing through electronic methods, contact Corporate Services at 250-997-3221 or by email at ac.eiznekcamfotcirtsid@ofni to receive instructions. Deadline to request electronic attendance instructions is 12:00 pm (noon) on July 12, 2021.
How can I get more information?
Copies of the proposed bylaw and relevant background documents may be viewed at the Municipal Office, 1 Mackenzie Boulevard, Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm and online at: > Business & Development > Building & Development > Land Use Planning