Help Protect Our Trails During Spring Conditions
With all this sunny spring weather, we know everyone is itching to get out and explore!
Unfortunately, any traffic on soft, wet, and muddy trails can cause significant damage to the network. We ask that residents please help us protect our trails for the summer by avoiding these areas temporarily:
- Mackenzie Perimeter Trail – OPEN
- John Dahl Park Trails - Closed
- Gantahaz Lake Trail – OPEN
- Little Mack Trails – OPEN
- Little Mack Bike Park - OPEN (except ribboned off areas)
- Morfee Lakeshore Trail - OPEN
- Deet & Citronella Trail - OPEN
The District will provide an update on our website and social media once conditions improve and re-open.
If you have questions please contact ac.eiznekcamfotcirtsid@ofni or phone 250-997-5283 and ask for the Director of Recreation Services.