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Mackenzie Pool

Aquatic Centre Re-Opening!

The Mackenzie Recreation Centre is excited to announce the re-opening of the Aquatic Centre on Tuesday, October 27th. Swim sessions must be pre-booked in advance. No drop-ins allowed. Contact Recreation Services at 250-997-5283 or email to book. COVID-19 regulations apply.

Mackenzie Recreation Centre Halloween Events

Hallowe'en is almost here! Mackenzie Recreation Centre and Mackenzie Community Arts Centre have partnered together to offer TWO spooktacular events for Hallowe'en to be held in the Mackenzie Recreation Centre Community Hall. Check out our event ad for more information. Please note that pre-registration is required for the Hallowe'en Carnival only. Contact Recreation Services to register 250-997-5283.
Untitled Design (5)

Official Ground Breaking – Fire Hall Project

We are excited to announce that we officially broke ground on the New Fire Hall project!  Councillors Hipkiss, Barnes, McMeeken and Brumovsky breaking ground at the New Fire Hall project location. NEW FIRE HALL PROJECT
council highlights

Council Highlights – October 13th

Keep up to date with Council happenings by viewing the latest Council Meeting Highlights: October 13, 2020 - Council Meeting Highlights
Pickleball (2)


Come try out Pickleball! The craze that is sweeping recreation! Pickleball is a fun game played both indoors or outdoors. The game follows the rules of casual tennis play. It is easy for beginners to learn and is a great sport for all ages and abilities. We will provide all the equipment and staff will provide basic instruction during these...
Mackenzie Wildfire Advisory

Wildfire Fuel Treatment Update – Week of Oct 5th

John Dahl park area All works are completed. Hwy 39 Wildfire Fuel Reduction Project Crews to start works on Thursday the 8th at TU 13, located on the east side of the highway approximately 1 km north of the railway crossing. Operations will commence with mechanical thinning Manual crews to start the following week. Debris burning is planned to start...
FireSmart Contest

FireSmart Photo Contest

Permissive Tax Exemptions

Permissive Tax Exemptions

The public is advised that the Council of the District of Mackenzie will be considering permissive tax exemption bylaws at their Regular Council Meeting of October 13, 2020 for the following organizations:
OrganizationRoll NumberExemption PeriodTotal Estimated Value of Municipal Exemption
Canadian Baptists of Western Canada2048.0002021-2023$5,618.58
Living Joy Christian Centre2002.0052021-2023$4,236.03
Mackenzie Alpine Riders Horse Club500.0002021-2023$12,893.70
Mackenzie Alpine Ride's Horse Club1049.0002021-2023$4,533.24
Mackenzie Elks Lodge #5472065.0002021-2023$5,813.64
Mackenzie Fish and Game Association6783.2502021-2023$1,149.95
Mackenzie Golf & Country Club5509.0002021-2023$11,458.86
Mackenzie Nordiques Cross-Country Ski Club5509.0032021-2023$92.04
Mackenzie Sikh Society2072.0002021-2023$6,389.94
Roman Catholic Episcopal Church2009.0202021-2023$10,226.49
Royal Canadian Legion2066.0502021-2023$3,078.93
Trustees Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses2069.0002021-2023$1,662.39
Youth for Christ Prince George2043.0002021-2023$3,409.26
Tax exemptions are provided to: (a) assist athletic or service clubs used as a public park or recreation ground or for public athletic or recreational...
council meeting agenda

October 13, 2020 Council Meeting

The October 13, 2020 Regular Meeting agenda has now been published: 7:15 pm - Regular Meeting of Council Council meetings remain open to the public, however the District will be taking precautions to accommodate social distancing in Council Chambers during the meetings. Limited seating will be available for attendees. Please fill out sign in sheet when arriving to Council Meetings....
FireSmart Curbside Pickup

FireSmart Curbside Pickup

Do you need to do yard work this Fall? The District of Mackenzie Public Works and Fire Department will be offering "FireSmart Curbside Pick Up". Residents are welcome to pile brush and tree trimmings at the curb during the week and Public Works will provide curbside pick up for the following areas on the following dates: Gantahaz Subdivision ONLY -...
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