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PLAID FRIDAY – NOV. 27, 2020
Be like Bandit, the Love Mackenzie Pal, and wear plaid and shop local on November 27. Read more about Plaid Friday and Plaid Friday Photo Contest here.

November 23, 2020 Council Meeting
The November 23, 2020 Special Meeting, Committee of the Whole and Regular Meeting agendas have now been published: Council meetings remain open to the public, however the District will be taking precautions to accommodate social distancing in Council Chambers during the meetings. Limited seating will be available for attendees. Please fill out sign in sheet when arriving to Council Meetings....

Be in the Know About CO
Did you know that Carbon Monoxide is a silent killer? It can be neither seen or smelled, which is why Carbon Monoxide (CO) is known as the silent killer. It can overcome its victims undetected. Protect your family and be in the know about CO by reading this important information package.

Council Highlights – November 9th
Keep up to date with Council happenings by viewing the latest Council Meeting Highlights:

Special Budget Meeting
Mayor and Council are holding a Special Budget Meeting on November 23rd at 6:30 pm to ask for the public's comments, concepts or ideas related to the 2021 budget prior to Council entering into the budget discussions. Anyone who would like to provide input will have the opportunity to be heard through the following ways: In-Person: To participate in person...

Council Procedure Bylaw
Proposed New Agenda Order: Call to Order Adoption of Minutes Introduction of Late Items Adoption of Agenda Public Comment and Questions Petitions and Delegations Correspondence Administration Reports Council Reports Unfinished Business New Business Bylaws Notice of Motion Coming Events Inquiries Adjournment The public is advised that the Council of the District of Mackenzie will be considering amending Council Procedure Bylaw...

Remembrance Day – Nov. 11, 2020
This year the Mackenzie Legion's Remembrance Day Ceremony might look a bit different, but we still honour those who fought for our freedom. As you may be aware, the Mackenzie Legion Branch 273 is hosting a remembrance car parade through the community starting at 10:30 am. The traditional ceremony has been altered due to COVID-19, resulting in limited attendance. Residents...

Website Maintenance – Nov. 11
When: November 11, 2020 The District of Mackenzie website will be undergoing maintenance on Wednesday, November 11. While the site will remain accessible, there may be minor menu glitches while we fine tune it. If you happen to encounter the odd glitch on Wednesday, please do not report it. For more information, please contact the District office today, or on...

Check out this weeks time lapse video from November 2nd - 9th!

Wildfire Mitigation Field Work Notice
With the help of grant funding, the District of Mackenzie has been able to do various projects around Mackenzie and along Highway 39 that have minimized the potential destructive effects a wildfire could have on our community and our important community services like power stations, power lines, emergency routes, water structures and communication lines. The District will be continuing efforts...