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Council Meeting – May 23, 2023
The following agendas have been published at the links below: 7:00 pm - Committee of the Whole - HTML, PDF 7:15 pm - Regular Meeting - HTML, PDF Addendum - HTML, PDF *Added May 23rd* Council meetings are currently open to the public as well as available online over Zoom/phone. Please contact the District for Zoom meeting details by phone...

Fire Ban – Effective Friday, May 19, 2023 at 12pm (noon)
Effective at noon (Pacific time) on Friday, May 19, 2023, recreational fires (campfires), Category 1, Category 2, and Category 3 open fires will be prohibited throughout the Prince George Fire Centre, including the District of Mackenzie. The following activities are also prohibited: the use of sky lanterns, fireworks, burn barrels or burn cages, binary exploding targets, tiki and similar kinds...

Water Works Announcements
NOTICE TO RESIDENTS OF MACKENZIE The District of Mackenzie Public Works Department wishes to notify the Residents of Mackenzie that there will be FLUSHING OF WATER MAINS AND HYDRANTS during the following dates: May 23rd & 24th (Gantahaz Subdivision) May 25th & 26th (Industrial Site) May 29th - June 2nd , 2023 (Town Site). Please use extra caution when crews...

Commercial Garbage Pick Up – Victoria Day
Commercial Garbage Pick Up - Victoria Day To The Residents of The District Of Mackenzie Garbage pick-up scheduled for Monday, May 22nd, 2022 Will be picked up on Tuesday, May 23rd, 2022 Public Works will endeavor to maintain a normal time schedule on this date, but residents are requested to assist us by keeping their garbage secure until Tuesday. Thank...

Career Opportunity – Temporary Customer Service Representative
Customer Service Representative (Permanent Part-Time) Recreation Services Department (Temporary up to 6 Months) Application Deadline: 4:00 pm Friday May 19, 2023 The District of Mackenzie is currently accepting applications for a Temporary Permanent Part-Time Customer Service Representative positions for the Mackenzie Recreation Centre. This position is responsible for responding to inquiries from the public and providing information to the public...

Water Restrictions – Effective May 15th
Attention Residents: There will be upcoming water restrictions in our community. The restrictions are necessary to conserve water during the season. Please be mindful of your water usage and limit outdoor watering to designated days/times. We appreciate your cooperation in helping to ensure that we have enough water for everyone in our community. Restrictions are in effect from May 15th...

Council Highlights – May 8, 2023
Keep up to date with Council happenings by viewing the latest Council Meeting Highlights: May 8, 2023 - Council Meeting Highlights

Career Opportunity – Building Official/Bylaw Manager
Building Official/ Bylaw Manager Application Deadline: 4:00 pm Monday May 29, 2023 Are you looking for a change from the hustle and bustle of city life? Look no further! The beautiful town of Mackenzie is located in the scenic Northern Rocky Mountain Trench 185 km north of Prince George, Mackenzie offers limitless access to superb four-season outdoor recreation opportunities...

*Free* Grant Writing Workshop
Are you interested in writing grants for your community organization? Are you currently in the process of writing a grant application? If so, don't miss this excellent opportunity to get tips and tricks on how to write grants and get to "yes"! We invite you to a free grant writing workshop facilitated by Andy Ackerman. Andy is an experienced grant...

Request for Proposal – 64 Centennial Drive Janitorial Services
The District invites qualified and experienced contractors to provide janitorial services for the tenants located in the District-owned facility at 64 Centennial Drive, Mackenzie, BC. Full scope of work and site-specific requirements have been included in the Appendices C and D of this Request for Proposal document. Request for Proposal Addendum #1 - Added May 25, 2023 Q&A - Updated...