Wildfire Fuel Treatment Update – Week of May 31, 2021

Hwy 39 Wildfire Fuel Reduction Project
Wildfire fuel reduction treatments continue along Hwy 39. Manual crews are working the treatment unites near the junction. Some smoke expected as crews hand pile & burn fine fuel debris. June 1st is the last day for burning until next fall. Crews will continue to hand pile debris throughout the summer.
Updates are posted to our website (www.mlmcf.ca/wildfires), broadcast by CHMM 103.5 FM radio station, and shared via our Facebook page (facebook.com/mwac.wildfires).
Ian LeBlanc, Wildfire Projects Coordinator ac.fcmlm@cpw 250.640.6287 www.mlmcf.ca/wildfires
The Mackenzie Wildfire Advisory Committee (MWAC) is a partnership of the McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest, Mackenzie Fire Department, District of Mackenzie, McLeod Lake Indian Band, BC Wildfire Service, industry, and stakeholders. We work together to advance and coordinate wildfire protection strategies at the local and landscape levels.