Request for Proposal – Bear Resistant Bins

The District invites qualified and experienced companies to submit a proposal to supply the District of Mackenzie with Front load Style Bear Resistant Garbage Bins. The desired specifications are outlined in Appendix C of the Request for Proposal.
The District requires:
- 115 of the 3 Cubic Yard Frontload Style Bear Resistant Bins; and
- 35 of the 4 Cubic Yard Frontload Style Bear Resistant Bins
The District is not necessarily interested in obtaining the lowest price for this product. The quality of the product or service, performance, delivery, maintenance, service, and other factors will be taken into consideration in the evaluation of this request for Proposal.
Request for Proposal - DOM 01-24 Front Load Bear Resistant Bins
Proposals will be accepted until 4:00 pm on February 20, 2024.