Water Service Interruption along Crysdale Drive – Friday August 4th from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Due to the replacement of the Pressure Reducing Valve located in front of #19 Crysdale Drive, water services will be temporarily interrupted in the area tomorrow, August 4, 2023 between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm. The following highlighted properties will be affected.

Properties Affected: 1, 3-5, 7-20, 22, 24, and 101 Crysdale Drive
Following this interruption, residents may notice a temporary discoloration of water for a brief period of time. Residents are advised to run the taps in their homes to clear any discoloration that may occur.
Residents may also note that trapped air from the watermain refilling may enter their home plumbing. This air may result in some unusual noise and intermittent flows when the fittings are first used but is not a cause for concern.
Maintain the fixture in question open until the flow returns to normal.
Questions can be directed to the Public Works Department at 250-997-3761.