The District of Mackenzie has authorized a change to a long-term lease with the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations for the Wildfire Base at the Mackenzie airport – 800 Airport Road. The lease has been changed to incorporate the two areas immediately next to the base under the terms of the long-term lease. The two areas are being used for parking and training and were previously under short term leases.
The land is legally described as:
- Lot C, District Lot 12479, Cariboo District, Plan 23098, Lease Reference Plans EPP96695, EPP102512 and BCP35179.
If you would like more information please contact Emily Kaehn, Director of Corporate Services at 250-997-3221 or ac.eiznekcamfotcirtsid@nheake.
This notice is being provided pursuant to Section 26 (2) of the Community Charter.