Mackenzie’s Pothole Program

The District of Mackenzie would like to thank residents for their patience in enduring the potholes so far this year. Drastic temperature swings all winter have caused tremendous wear on the asphalt roads and walkways.
Weather pending, from May 16th-20th we will have a crew out filling potholes on Skeena Drive and Centennial Drive so please watch out for our crews while driving by them and give them a big thumbs up.
How are potholes formed?
Potholes can form on older road surfaces and are generally caused by regular freezing and thawing during seasonal changes. In older asphalt, the road salt used in the winter months can also cause weak spots in concentrated areas of the road and as vehicles drive over those spots in the spring, a pothole can form.
Why are we fixing them now?
Low temperatures and rain affect the curing and binding process of pothole asphalt. Due to the weather we have been experiencing lately, the District has not been able to be out in full force filling potholes until now.
Public Works Office