Mackenzie Arena Slab & Energy Upgrades – Issued for Tender

Attention: Contractors and Construction Firms
The District is pleased to announce the invitation for tender for the Mackenzie Arena Slab and Energy Upgrades at the Mackenzie Recreation Centre. This project presents an exciting opportunity for skilled and experienced construction professionals to contribute to the enhancement of our community's recreational facility.
Bids will be accepted via email to ac.neddacsrac@kram until 3:00 PST on March 1, 2024.
All enquiries regarding bid requirements, drawings, and specifications shall be directed to the Consultant:
- Carscadden Stokes McDonald Architects Inc.
- Attention: Mark Woytiuk
- 310-1930 Pandora St.
- Vancouver, BC V5L 0C7
- 604-633-1830
- ac.neddacsrac@kram