UPDATED SURVEY – Age-Friendly Accessibility and Inclusion – We want to hear from you!
UPDATE - Let's Chat Access and Inclusion
The District has received feedback from residents about our current survey, and we wish to first apologize for unintentionally excluding participation. We have taken your feedback and, where possible, made changes to the current survey to ensure residents of all ages and abilities feel welcome to participate and share their experience in regard to accessibility and inclusion in Mackenzie.
We want to hear from everyone, so thank you for letting us know this was creating a barrier for you sharing your voice.
Further Project Information
The District of Mackenzie is dedicated to delivering inclusive and accessible programs and services for all community members.
In Fall 2022, the District was awarded grant funding towards an Age-Friendly Access and Inclusion Action Plan. This short-term action plan (3-5 years) will kick-start the District's long-term goals of ensuring everyone can live safely, maintain good health, and stay engaged in the community.
To support the new plan's implementation and the District's long-term goals, the District recently established an Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee. More information about the committee will be available on our website in the coming months.
Share your Story
The first step of the Age-Friendly Access and Inclusion Action Plan is to gather feedback from the community about the current state of affairs when it comes to access and inclusion in Mackenzie.
Complete and Share our Survey
Upcoming Open House Events
Join us for a short presentation about the project and have an opportunity to ask questions and share feedback, and if you wish, feel free to stay and participate in a facilitated workshop.
Date: Tuesday, Feb. 21st
Time: 1-3 pm or 6-9 pm
Location: Mackenzie Legion
Focus Groups and One-on-One Meetings
Sign up for a focus group or book with a meeting with our consultant Kate Milne, of Cardea Health Consulting, at the following links:
Focus Groups (Feb. 22nd and 23rd)