Land Use Changes – What do you think?

Council will be reviewing two different permit applications that seek to provide relief from the District’s land use regulations. Council will consider issuing the permits and is requesting feedback from residents prior to making their final decision.
- Development Variance Permit – The applicant is seeking to allow hydroponic greenhouses at 200 Mackenzie Boulevard within an area along the boulevard where the construction of buildings or structures is not permitted.
- Temporary Use Permit – The applicant has applied for renewal of a temporary use permit to allow for continued placement of a modular structure being used as a store, office and warehouse at 1151 Mill Road.
When: September 14, 2020 at 7:15 pm
Where: Council Chambers – 1 Mackenzie Boulevard
Where can I get more information?
The proposed permits and related documentation can be inspected on the District of Mackenzie website here: → Business & Development → Building & Development → Land Use Planning
Alternatively, copies of the permit and documentation can be requested by calling Corporate Services at 250 997-3221 or by emailing ac.eiznekcamfotcirtsid@ofni.
How can I share my thoughts?
Residents are welcome to provide written feedback by 12:00 pm September 14, 2020 in one of the following ways:
- In-Person: A written letter can be dropped off at the District Office outdoor drop box
at 1 Mackenzie Blvd. - Mail: District of Mackenzie, Bag 340, Mackenzie BC, V0J 2C0
- Email: ac.eiznekcamfotcirtsid@ofni
All feedback must include your name and property address.