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Career Opportunity – Permanent Part-Time & Part-Time Custodian
Custodian (1 Permanent Part-Time, 1 Part-Time) Recreation Services Department Application Deadline: 4:00 pm Monday September 12, 2022 The District of Mackenzie is currently accepting applications for a qualified Temporary Permanent Part-time Custodian to join our team. This position is responsible for the custodial duties within the Recreation Centre and adjacent areas. Located in the scenic Northern Rocky Mountains...

Labour Day
The following District Buildings are CLOSED on Labour Day (Monday September 5) Mackenzie Municipal Office Public Works Bylaw Rec Centre Commercial Garbage Users: Commercial Garbage scheduled for pick-up on Monday will be picked up on Tuesday, please remember to unlock bins on Tuesday morning.

Mackenzie Hospital – Diversion
ATTENTION RESIDENTS: The Mackenzie & District Hospital is currently on diversion from the following dates and times: FROM: Thursday September 1, 2022 at 1900 hours (7:00 pm) UNTIL: Friday September 2, 2022 at 0700 hours (7:00 am) Notification will be sent if this situation changes.

Council Highlights – August 22, 2022
Keep up to date with Council happenings by viewing the latest Council Meeting Highlights: August 22, 2022 Regular Meeting

Mackenzie Hospital – Diversion
Attention Residents: The Mackenzie & District Hospital is currently on diversion from the following dates and times: FROM: Monday, August 29th @ 0700 hours (7:00 am) UNTIL: Monday, August 29th @ 1900 hours (7:00 pm) Notification will be sent if this situation changes.

School District No. 57 – Candidate Information Session
2022 Trustee Candidate Information Session Are you thinking about running to be a School Board Trustee in SD57? The District will be hosting Trustee Candidate information sessions for those who might be interested in running to be a School Board Trustee. School Board Trustees represent the public and advocate for public education in their community. While members of the Board...

Mackenzie Hospital – Diversion
Attention Residents: The Mackenzie & District Hospital is currently on diversion from the following dates and times: FROM: Friday, August 26th @ 1900 hours (7:00 pm) UNTIL: Saturday, August 27th @ 0700 hours (7:00 am) Notification will be sent if this situation changes.

Request for Proposal – Fire Department Ladder Truck
The District of Mackenzie Fire Rescue is requesting detailed proposals from qualified Proponents for the design, construction, and delivery of one new, single axle (preferred), rear mounted, heavy duty, aerial platform fire apparatus. This apparatus will be used daily to delivery emergency services. Sealed bids will be received by the District of Mackenzie Fire Rescue for the furnishing of all...

Mackenzie Hospital – Diversion
Attention Residents: The Mackenzie & District Hospital is currently on diversion from the following dates and times: FROM: Thursday, August 25th @ 1900 hours (7:00 pm) UNTIL: Friday, August 26th @ 0700 hours (7:00 am) Notification will be sent if this situation changes.