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Community Grants

Announcing the 2023/2024 Community Grants Program: Apply Now!

Calling all Non-Profit Organizations It's that time of year again! We are thrilled to announce that applications for the 2023/2024 Community Grants Program are now open. If you're a non-profit organization with a passion for making a positive impact in our community, this is your opportunity to shine! About the Community Grants Program: Our Community Grants Program is dedicated to...
campfire and mountains

Campfire Prohibition Rescinded August 11, 2023

Effective at 12:00 (noon) on Friday, August 11, 2023, the Category 1 Open Burning (campfires) prohibition will be rescinded in the Prince George and Northwest Fire Centres. The current prohibition against any Category 2 and Category 3 open fires remains in effect. Although fire danger ratings have dropped due to recent rainfall and cooler temperatures, the public is reminded to...
Grant Writing Workshop - September 23, 2023

*Free* Grant Writing Workshop

Are you interested in writing grants for your community organization? Are you currently in the process of writing a grant application? If so, don't miss this excellent opportunity to get tips and tricks on how to write grants and get to "yes"! We invite you to a free grant writing workshop facilitated by Andy Ackerman. Andy is an experienced grant...
council meeting agenda

Council Meeting August 14, 2023

The following agenda has been published at the links below: Regular Meeting 7:15 pm - HTML, PDF Addendum Agenda - HTML, PDF **Added August 14th** Council meetings are open to the public as well as available online over Zoom/Phone. Please contact the District for Zoom meeting details by email or by phone at 250-997-3221 before 4:00 pm on the scheduled...

Food Cycler Pilot Project Registration

Exciting News! Join the FoodCycler Pilot Project. Hey Mackenzie residents! We've got some fantastic news to share with you. The registration for the highly anticipated FoodCycler Pilot Project is opening on August 14th at 10:00 AM.  Registration will be online, instructions will be posted on the Food Cycler Project page at Are you ready to make a difference in...
Bear Aware

Staying Bear-Aware

Your Guide to Safe Community Walks and Trail Adventures Embarking on a tranquil community stroll or an exhilarating trail hike? Remember, sharing these spaces with our wild neighbors requires a little extra caution. With a few simple steps, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for yourself and our furry friends. Here's your go-to guide: Make Noise, Make Friends:...
B260e8427e17e41711e623b656729d63 FoodCycler Maestro 101A4525 (1)

Food Cycler Pilot Project

The District is partnering with the Canadian owned and operated company FoodCycler to conduct a pilot program with household composting units. Participating households will purchase a unit at a reduced cost and provide feedback over a period of twelve weeks. After the feedback period is complete they will keep their FoodCycler unit. Project registration will be opened in the future. More...
Photograph of a large room with cultural exhibition displays within.

Cultural Exhibition at the Recreation Centre

Until August 31, visit the Sas Da'Ghe Room in the Recreation Centre to check out the travelling Indigenous Cultural Exhibit brought to you by the McLeod Lake Indian Band. This interactive exhibit provides visitors with an opportunity to learn about the Indigenous artifacts found through Site C archeological excavations. Artifacts recovered along nearby trails and sites, such as Tse'k'wa, tell...

Water Service Interruption along Crysdale Drive – Friday August 4th from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Due to the replacement of the Pressure Reducing Valve located in front of #19 Crysdale Drive, water services will be temporarily interrupted in the area tomorrow, August 4, 2023 between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm. The following highlighted properties will be affected. Properties Affected: 1, 3-5, 7-20, 22, 24, and 101 Crysdale Drive Following this interruption, residents may notice a...

Pressure Reducing Water Valve replacement project to begin on Crysdale Drive starting July 31st.

Please be advised that the District's contractor, Canadian Western Mechanical, will be performing replacement of a Pressure Reducing Water Valve on Crysdale Drive in the month of August, 2023. Project works begin Monday, July 31, 2023 and are expected to last throughout the month of August. Impacts from construction are anticipated to be: Single-lane traffic and reduced speed limits Temporary...
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