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Council Highlights – May 6, 2024
Keep up to date with Council happenings by viewing the latest Council Meeting Highlights: May 6, 2024 Highlights

Mackenzie Municipal RV Park – Open For The Season
The Mackenzie Municipal RV Park is now open for the summer season! Reservations can be made through our online booking or by calling Public Works at 250-997-3761. Public Works

Check your Mailbox!
Check your Mailbox! Attention Mackenzie Residents! Don't miss out on something BIG waiting for you in your mailbox! CityWest has an exclusive offer just for you - Fibre-optic services that'll update your internet experience. Check your mailbox now and embrace the speed! #CityWest #FiberOptic #Mackenziebc For more information, visit

Recycling Service Changes
Recycling collection services at all Regional District transfer stations are changing, this includes the two bins in Mackenzie located behind the Mackenzie Firehall and next to the Municipal Office. The contractor who currently provides the paper and packaging recycling drop off bins and hauling services is unable to continue the service after May 31. This means there will be a...

Water Restrictions – Effective May 15th
Attention Residents: There will be upcoming water restrictions in our community. The restrictions are necessary to conserve water during the season. Please be mindful of your water usage and limit outdoor watering to designated days/times. We appreciate your cooperation in helping to ensure that we have enough water for everyone in our community. Restrictions are in effect from May 15th...

High Speed Internet – On Its Way!
Connectivity Coming to Mackenzie - Don't Miss Out! Have you heard the latest? The District and CityWest have partnered to bring high-speed fibre-to-the-home Internet, TV, and phone to Mackenzie. Not only will we have faster speeds, through the partnership a portion of all services purchased will be re-invested back to the District and into the community for programs and services....

Emergency Preparedness Presentation
Emergencies can affect part or all of a community. They can happen anytime and anywhere. The Mackenzie Fire Department, with strong support from the Mackenzie Community Services and our community emergency services, are committed to helping residents in our area know the potential risks and how they can be prepared for and informed during an emergency. On Saturday, May 11th,...

Council Meeting May 6, 2024
The Council meeting agendas for Monday April 22, 2024 are available at the links below: Regular Council Meeting - 5:30 pm - PDF HTML Council meetings are open to the public as well as available online over Zoom/Phone. Please contact the District for Zoom meeting details by email or by phone at 250-997-3221 before 4:00 pm on the scheduled meeting...

2024 Community Clean Up Days
MAY 15th - Community Garbage Pickup Residents will gather together, either in teams or as individuals, and be designated an area of the community to go out and pick up garbage. You may register your team by filling out the form on the back of this notice and either emailing it to ac.eiznekcamfotcirtsid@eciffocer OR drop it off in an envelope...