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District of Mackenzie proclaims September 23-29, 2024 as Rail Safety Week

Rail Smart

Rail Safety Week September 23-29, 2024

Every year, more than 2,100 North Americans are killed or seriously injured because of unsafe behaviour around tracks and trains. Every time someone crosses a railroad track irresponsibly there is a potential for danger.


  • Stop a safe distance from tracks and crossings
  • Look both ways to ensure trains are not approaching
  • Listen for approaching trains

How can you help?

  • Say something! Save the CN Police phone number and call if you witness any unsafe situation near the railroad: 1-800-465-9239
  • Act as a role model around trains and tracks
  • Share rail safety tips with your family, friends, colleagues and community
  • If you live in a CN-served community email CN Safety to organize a safety presentation in your local school


Rail Safety Tips

CN Safety Resources


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