Bear-Proof Your Home and Community

In recent weeks, there have been reports of bear sightings in our area. While these magnificent creatures are an integral part of our natural environment, it is crucial that we take precautions to minimize the potential for human-wildlife conflicts.
As part of our commitment to promoting the safety and well-being of our community, we would like to draw your attention to an important issue that requires everyone's cooperation: securing garbage and other wildlife attractants to prevent bear encounters.
Bears have a keen sense of smell and are naturally drawn to the scent of food waste. An easily accessible garbage can or commercial dumpster can be a tempting invitation for them to explore our neighborhoods in search of a meal. By securing our garbage properly, we can help ensure the safety of both humans and bears.
A $50 fine can be issued for keeping wildlife attractants such as fruit or garbage accessible to bears and other wildlife. (Bylaw No. 1488)
Tips on how to be Bear Smart
Avoid human-bear conflicts by following a few simple tips:

Report Bear Sightings
Report bear sightings in Mackenzie through the 24-hour hotline at 1-877-952-RAPP (7277).
- This is the most effective way for the Conservation Officer Services to receive information in a timely manner, monitor bear behaviour, and track problem bears. Please note, the Conservation Officer Service will respond to bear calls on a priority basis, with public safety being the highest priority.
Residents of Mackenzie are encouraged to assist in keeping Mackenzie safe by reporting properties that are in violation by calling Animal Control and Bylaw Services Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm at 250-997-3882.