BC Hydro Regreening Grant

We are thrilled to announce a new tree-planting initiative that will bring more greenery and beauty to the District of Mackenzie's parks and green spaces. This project aims to enhance our local environment, promote biodiversity, and create memorable areas for the community to enjoy.
This initiative is fully grant-funded and would not be possible without the generous contributions from our incredible funders. A heartfelt thank you goes out to one of our funders BC Hydro and its Regreening Program for their unwavering support and dedication to environmental sustainability. Your contributions have made this project a reality, and we are deeply grateful.
Over the coming weeks with the combined funding streams, our awesome public works staff will be planting 49 trees and 120 shrubs across various parks and green spaces throughout the district. This initiative will not only improve air quality and provide habitats for wildlife but also offer shade and beauty for all residents and visitors to appreciate.
We invite everyone in the community to go out and look at the new trees but we are asking you to please treat them with respect.