Annual Report Survey and Feedback

Are you interested in the improvement of future Annual Reports? The District of Mackenzie is interested in your feedback on the 2022 Annual Report Draft. The report is available on the District of Mackenzie website, our Let’s Chat Mackenzie website, and hard copies can be picked up/viewed at the District Municipal Office.
On the Let’s Chat Mackenzie page for the 2022 Annual Report Draft you can find a short survey with questions about how yearly information is reported. Your answers can help the district make future Annual Reports more relevant to residents. For example, in the 2022 Annual Report Draft the District has included “Highlight Pages” on the Climate Action Plan and Economic Development.
In case you find issues that are not covered in the survey, you can leave a comment in the guestbook for staff review.
You can find both the survey and Guestbook on the Let's Chat Mackenzie page.
The report will be available for comment until 4:00 pm, July 17, 2023.
A report compiling feedback received will be presented at the July 24th Council Meeting. There will be an opportunity that evening for the public to attend in-person or electronically to share further comments.