Access and Inclusion Committee: Membership applications now being accepted

At the last Regular meeting, Council established the Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee (AIAC) with the intention of providing advice and recommendations to Council on matters relating to citizens with disabilities, seniors and other citizens with access barriers that may impede participation in everyday aspects of community living.
The District is now accepting applications for five (5) committee member volunteers:
Online Application Form
Application Deadline: 11:59 pm December 4, 2022
First Meeting: January 2023
Interested applicants can drop off the completed application at the District of Mackenzie office at 1 Mackenzie Blvd or send it by email
Photo Description: A group photo of the Kootenay Adaptive Sport Association and Inclusive by Design team during the construction of the universally designed outhouse, picnic table and bench located at Gantahaz Lake. The District thanks their team for their hard work and generous donation to the community, along with their funding partners - Northern BC Tourism Association, the Province of BC, and the Government of Canada.