2024 Community Clean Up Days

MAY 15th – Community Garbage Pickup
Residents will gather together, either in teams or as individuals, and be designated an area of the community to go out and pick up garbage. You may
register your team by filling out the form on the back of this notice and either emailing it to ac.eiznekcamfotcirtsid@eciffocer OR drop it off in an
envelope in our after hours drop box located at the main entrance of the District of Mackenzie Office – 1 Mackenzie Blvd
MAY 21st & May 22nd - Town site and Gantahaz Fire Smart Pickup We will be providing residents with the opportunity to rid your property of any yard waste such as tree trimmings. We ask residents to pile up the trimmings on the curbside for District staff to collect. May 21st for townsite collection and May
22nd for the Gantahaz subdivision. Please have your wood cut into manageable pieces. (no longer than 6 feet). The piles must also be of a reasonable size or owner will be charged a clean up fee
Team Clean Up
Residents will gather together, either in teams or as individuals, and be designated an area of the community to go out and pick up garbage. You may register your team by contacting the Recreation Centre at 250-997-5283.
Please See Map for Bin Locations and Clean Up Zones.
Protective footwear, safety glasses and hi-visibility clothing are recommended. Rubber gloves, garbage grabbers and garbage bags will be supplied with garbage bins located throughout the town.
Please be aware of your surroundings, watch for passing vehicles, wildlife, and other hazards. Wash your hands thoroughly after completing your project area. Do not carry heavy or bulky items. Make note of its location and contact Public Works at 250-997-3761. Do not touch hazardous items such as needles. Inform Rec Centre staff of its location at 250-997-5283.
Many of our local vendors offer free recycling year-round for electronics, batteries, lightbulbs, empty ink and toner cartridges, please utilize their services for these items
If you have any questions regarding the Community Clean-Up Event, please contact Recreation Services at 250-997-5283 or Public Works at 250-997-3761.