Paving along Centennial Drive, Skeena Drive, and Stuart Drive starts tomorrow.

Please be advised that Pittman Asphalt will be performing asphalt resurfacing of roads and sidewalks within the District of Mackenzie during June and July of 2023.
The following street and sidewalk areas are affected.
- Centennial Drive East.
- Skeena Dr. – Mackenzie Blvd to Centennial.
- Stuart Dr - Mackenzie to Nechako.
Single-lane traffic and reduced speed limits will be in place. The public is asked to please obey all traffic control signage and flaggers. Please avoid on-street parking within the project areas while work is being completed.
Homes within the project areas may expect occasional and brief blocking of vehicle access to private driveways while this work is occurring. Paving operations may occur outside of regular working hours to facilitate the timely completion of work.
Questions or concerns can be directed to the district’s representative during construction. Luke McDonald, L&M Engineering Limited. 250-562-1977.
Thank you for your cooperation during this period of interruption.