2020 Business Facade Improvement Program

Applications are now being accepted for the 2020 Business Facade Improvement Program. The program provides the opportunity to make commercial areas more inviting and visually appealing to visitors and residents; increase assessed property values; promote private sector investment; build civic pride; and to stimulate the local economy.
How does the program work?
Applicants could be eligible to receive a 50% reimbursement grant up to a maximum of $5,000 per building/project to improve the facades of commercial buildings located in the program revitalization area.
Reimbursement grants of 50%, up to a maximum of $500, are available to home occupations for way-find signage located on their property.
How to Apply?
A program guide and complete application details are available on our Business Facade Program page. Final application deadline is August 3, 2020.
Who do I contact if I have any questions?
Emily Kaehn
Director of Corporate Services