Signature Trail, Park, and Ski Hill Upgrades Engagement Session

The District of Mackenzie has obtained a considerable amount of grant funding to enhance outdoor recreational opportunities in and around the community - this includes several proposed changes ranging from new facilities, to park upgrades, to connection trails, to Little Mack improvements.
As part of the planning process, we are inviting the community to participate in an online public engagement session on June 15 at 6pm. The goal is to obtain your feedback on how the master plan can be improved.
The full Zoom meeting details are below – please join us for an interesting discussion around the future of some of Mackenzie’s key outdoor amenities! Either click the link below to join via smartphone or computer or call-in on the numbers provided - accessing through a computer is highly recommended as drawings and graphics will be shared through the link provided.
Call 250.997.5283 or email Terry, Director of Recreation Services at for more information.
Zoom Meeting Details:
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Meeting ID: 859 5599 8279
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