Notice of Disposition of Property
Pursuant to Section 26 (2) of the Community Charter
TAKE NOTICE that the District of Mackenzie (the “District”) intends to transfer the land and premises legally described as:
PID 029-238-871
Lot 11, District Lot 12479, Cariboo District Plan EPP35189
(the "Land")
The proposed disposition is a Sale (the “Sale”) of the Land. The consideration to be received by the District of Mackenzie is a one-time payment of $270,000 from the Purchaser, IE CA Development Holdings 2 Ltd.
The Land has an area of 4.37 hectares (10.799 Acres). The Transfer is intended for light industrial development to be constructed and maintained.
For more information, please contact Emily Kaehn, Director of Corporate Services at 250-997-3221 or by email.