Danger Tree Assessment & Works

Mackenzie Danger Tree Removal
Over the past year we have had significant winds in the area that have impacted the forest throughout our community. We are asking residents if you live on a greenbelt or are adjacent to a public wooded area where you suspect Danger Trees, to please contact Jamie Guise at 250-997-7402 (ac.eiznekcamfotcirtsid@esiugj) or Keinan Carty at 250-997-7401 (ac.eiznekcamfotcirtsid@ytrack) after receiving the relevant information a representative will drop by and assess the trees of concern.
In the next month, the District of Mackenzie will be doing Danger Tree removal. You may see workers near your property but please do not approach them and stay a minimum of 100 feet away from any falling operations. The workers do meet the requirements for tree removal and are experienced in this field.