Business Façade Improvement Program 2024

The District of Mackenzie is proud to announce the return of the Business Façade Improvement Program for 2024, in partnership with the Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT). The District has been awarded $20,000 from NDIT in grant funding to enhance economic development by encouraging private sector investment in exterior upgrades.
The District of Mackenzie will provide a maximum of 50% reimbursement up to a maximum of $5,000 per building/tenant to improve the façade of the buildings.
*Newly added*
Each year a building may access the Business Façade Improvement program for new/incremental façade improvements. Take advantage of this opportunity to do continuous business façade improvements!
The program has also been expanded to include accessibility improvements (ramps, wider doors etc.) to the outside of the building.
2024 Business Façade Improvement Program Application & Guidelines
If you have any questions please contact Corporate Services 250-997-3221 or by email.