Appliance and Toilet Rebates

Water Conservation Rebate Program
The District of Mackenzie has adopted a Water Conservation Plan making it the goal of the District of Mackenzie to do its part to achieve more efficient water use by all its water users.
Water Conservation Rebate Program Policy 6.7
Residential property owners within the District may be eligible for a rebate under the District’s Municipal Appliance Rebate Program when replacing an older, high volume household appliance including toilets, washing machines and/or dishwashers.
An amount of $10,000 has been allocated in the 2021 Budget for the water conservation rebate program.
*The District will rebate property owner’s up to a maximum of two rebates per residential dwelling per year.
Rebates Available

How do I know if the dishwasher/washing machine qualifies?
How do I get the rebate?
- Visit the Public Works WATER main page for details and the application!