Council Meetings
Council Meetings
We value engagement with our communities and that includes providing the tools to know what is going on at the District. Discover what meetings are occurring, along with the agendas, minutes, and which Council members sit on the various boards and committees.
2025 Schedule of Meeting Dates
Search open meeting agendas and minutes prior to December 2022
Corporate Services
1 Mackenzie Boulevard
Mackenzie, BC, V0J 2C0
250-997-3221 | Email
General Guidelines
To ensure a respectful and democratic process, the following guidelines are in place for all attendees:
- Refrain from talking or creating disruptions during presentations and deliberations;
- Presenters and members of the audience must respect all citizens, regardless of differing views or opinions;
- Applause, or other audible demonstrations of support or opposition are not tolerated;
- The use of cameras are restricted to recognized media who have clearance with the Corporate Officer, or to persons designated to take photographs of presenters. The Mayor and/or Administration will indicate persons designated to take photographs of presenters prior to the meeting.
Attending in Person
- Council meetings are open to the public.
- Meetings take place in Council Chambers, at the District Office, 1 Mackenzie Boulevard;
- Meetings are scheduled the second and fourth Monday of each month, unless otherwise indicated; and
- The meeting schedule, agendas, and minutes are posted on our District website.
Attending Electronically
If residents wish to participate via Zoom/phone, please contact the District for meeting details by email or by phone 250-997-3221 by 4:00 pm on scheduled Council meeting dates.
The District plans to start livestreaming Council meetings at some point in the new year.
There are two sections of the Council agenda where the public is invited to share comments or ask questions of Council on agenda items.
Public Comment and Questions
- Council allows up to 20 minutes at the beginning of the meeting to answer inquiries from the media and members of the public.
- Comments and questions must be strictly limited to matters on the agenda and to be considered by the Council at that particular meeting.
- The Mayor will ask for members of the public, who wish to take part in the session, to identify themselves. In the event that more than one member of the public is present, the Mayor will determine the order of the speakers.
- You must limit your presentation time to five minutes.
- Council will direct Administration on how and when to address matters arise that require a response.
- Time is set aside at the end of each Regular Meeting of Council for further public inquiries.
- Inquiries from the public must be in relation to items on the current meeting agenda.
- The Mayor will ask for members of the public, who wish to take part in the session, to identify themselves. In the event that more than one member of the public is present, the Mayor will determine the order of the speakers.
- You must limit your presentation time to five minutes.
- Council will direct Administration on how and when to address matters arise that require a response.
Participation Online
- Members of the public may participate in the meeting virtually by contacting Corporate Services at 250-997-3221 or by email to request the meeting Zoom Link.
Unlike the other public comment opportunities at the Council meeting, delegations are scheduled in advance as an agenda item.
If you are interested in speaking to Council as a Delegation, you must review the Addressing Council information sheet and return the Request to Address Council Form to the Corporate Services department a minimum of one week prior to the Council meeting you would like to attend.
The CAO or Corporate Officer will then:
- Determine if the intended delegation is appropriate e.g. if the concern can be resolved by a staff member, or if the concern is outside the jurisdiction of the municipal level of government;
- Determine if the item being discussed needs to be presented in a non-public portion of the meeting (known as 'in camera'). 'In camera' may be necessary if the topic involves issues covered under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP);
- Arrange for audio-visual equipment, if necessary;
- Manage the timing of delegations, in order to control the length of meetings;
- Written material pertaining to the delegate's item should be submitted no later than the Tuesday prior to the meeting, so it can be placed on the agenda for prior distribution. This allows Council an opportunity to study the issue before the meeting;
Delegates may address Council to:
- Express any municipal matters affecting the District of Mackenzie;
- Express views or opinions regarding an issue appearing on the Council agenda;
- Identify a specific concern requiring a decision;
- Provide information for Council to consider prior to making decisions.
Please note the following issues will not be heard as delegations:
- Invitations to Council to participate in an event or special occasion. These should be submitted to the Legislative Clerk/Executive Assistant during regular business hours;
- Promotions of a private business or group.
Following each Regular Meeting of Council, a summary of the decisions made at the meeting are prepared and shared with the public.
- January 8, 2024
- January 22, 2024
- February 12, 2024
- February 26, 2024
- March 11, 2024
- March 25, 2024
- April 8, 2024
- April 22, 2024
- May 6, 2024
- May27, 2024
- June 10, 2024
- June 24, 2024
- July 22, 2024
- August 12, 2024
- August 26, 2024
- September 9, 2024
- September 23, 2024
- October 15, 2024
- October 28,2024
- November 12, 2024
- November 25, 2024
- December 9, 2024
- Prepare in advance for no more than a ten (10) minute presentation. Written material will help to keep you focused, and ensure you stay within the allotted time. Written material also helps members of Council, and staff review the details of your concern.
- If you are appearing on behalf of a larger group, advise the Legislative Clerk/Executive Assistant that you will be speaking for the group. Larger groups are asked to select a maximum of two spokespersons.
- Delegations are normally heard at the beginning of the agenda, and are placed in the order of which the request was received. The Chair will call your name when it is your turn to speak, and request you to proceed to the delegation table.
- Please take a seat, identify yourself and the group you are representing, and state your purpose.
- When addressing the Mayor, it is appropriate to use 'Your Worship' or 'Mr./Madame Chairperson', and when addressing Mayor and Council it is appropriate to use 'Council'.
- Identify why you are presenting to Council, and make your request clear and concise.
- After your presentation, Council may comment or ask you questions.
- When your complete your presentation, or if Council has no further comments or questions, the Mayor/Chair will thank you. At this point, you may return to your seat in the audience section, or leave the meeting.
- After the presentation, the Mayor/Chair will not entertain further comments from the delegation, and will not enter into debate with the delegation. Council may direct questions to staff resource members on the matter.
- After all delegations have been heard the Mayor/Chair may:
- Discuss the item later in the agenda, and make a decision;
- Refer the item to a future meeting, so additional information can be obtained;
- Receive the item as information only (which means no decision to change current policy is supported).
Public Hearings are another opportunity for the public to engage with Council. The public may provide input to Council through written correspondence, or by attending the Public Hearing in person, and speaking to Council when prompted.
All Public Hearings are listed on the front page of Council agendas, which are available for download or viewing in the calendar below the Thursday before the meeting.
Public Hearings are also advertised by public notice distributed in the Mackenzie Post Office boxes.
Meetings are livestreamed through Youtube and links are posted here before the meeting date.